Top 10 expert tips for website designing in 2020

Top 10 expert tips for website designing in 2020

An excellent design brings new viewers to your website to attract and keeps them involved with the content there. But if you’re not a designer, learning the best design for your website can be a daunting task. In this guide, we’ll explore different website design tips, along with a collection of websites you can use as inspiration.

Tips for website designing in 2020 are:

1. Plan your responsive web design

To maximize this responsiveness of the website you’re creating in 2020, it’s essential to draw out an efficient wireframe of the functionality and the support of the website’s design for both desktops also mobile. You can test out several ideas by creating models and find the best option. There are quite some tools available for testing RWD to execute it as user friendly as possible:

2. Content 

Content is a different essential element of web page design. Web designers should put a powerful focus on creating a content-focused experience for all kinds of visitors.

3. Layout:

The layout should be on your priority list. It is the key to any strong website with huge traffic. Understand the requirements of the client or the brand, strategize, and develop a wireframe beginning and then other essentials like extensions, designing, and shareable buttons. According to many specialists, the best way to create a successful website design is to use the grid.

4. Invest in illustration

Custom illustrations are an excellent way to establish the different feel of your brand and give visitors an idea of what working including your company will feel like. One site that does this especially well is Social Media Examiner: Their custom-illustrated banner carries Social Media Examiner’s dedication to exploring new features of social media and the friendly way they take to working with clients.

5. Accent your homepage with animations

Another excellent way to make your homepage unique plus keep visitors’ attention is to highlight custom animations. These can fill your entire homepage or be utilized as an accent like they are on the site.

6. Add a popup

Popups may be one of the various disturbing marketing tactics on the web, but they’re also one of the most useful: in one experiment a single opt-in popup pulled in 1,375% more subscribers. However, you don’t want to bother people with popups before people read your content; the most efficient time for a popup to appear is when somebody decides to leave your website.

5. Colors

Using colors optimally is the mantra. Do good research, get inspired, and choose colors for your website carefully. An ideal color scheme for any website is one of the golden precepts of website designing. The colors should be in coordination of the product to be highlighted.

6. Images & Videos

Always use unique, colorful, high-quality eye-catchy images & videos for your website. Low-resolution images & videos which are blurry can simply project your image as extremely unprofessional. There are countless containers of stock images and videos online which you can use for your website. Also, make sure you have a healthy proportion within your content and images, and videos. Too much of anything can confuse the users. It can negatively affect the functions of web designing.

7. Website’s typography

A necessary step towards responsive web design in 2020 is running typography. While developing a website using CSS, fixing the font size using pixels is generally accepted. However, this can go reverse when it comes to different screen widths. We here at CloudCone suggest using rem units for font sizing rather. rem units (root em units) are based on this font-size value of each root HTML element. So make sure to define the font size in the HTML element that is in your HTML document as well.

8. White space

The efficient utilization of white space on your website is as important as having the amount of pepper in any dish. Designers do to overlook or ignore these blank spaces of a website but those are especially important for an effective website design. Proper and effective use of negative or white space makes a meaningful difference in terms of readability plus navigation. If the blank spaces are not well ordered and used, the users are more able to leave your website sans trying the desired CTA (call to action).
